Monday, July 15, 2019

Queimada Guincho week 4

This week was pretty average I will not lie. I am happy and content but there is not much to say. We are trying to help many people out but it is a struggle to help them keep commitments. Djonny and Tânia are still interested in being baptised and following Christ´s church, but they are waiting on a visa to America and if they are married they will have to wait 5 more years. So we are still trying with them but they cannot progress for now. We talked to this guy named Mário this week who was in jail for a while because he sold drugs here. It is funny because he is this way big dude who really likes studying the bible and stuff. He is very sensitive to the spirit as well. He still has to resolve a few things. We will see with him. Well I know that this Gospel is of God and I will testify of that until the last day of my life. have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Elder Gale, I will miss reading your weekly blog which always brings tears to my eyes and testifies to me through this medium that you are a true representative of Jesus Christ and have brought much joy to Him as He has helped you in your service to Him and His Father.
    I love you Elder Gale you have been an inspiration to me. Today is Friday less than a week to go. You have already baptized more people than most missionaries. But that is not as important as the lives you have touched throughout your service. You will never know how many but you do need to know you have been an important and dedicated servant for our Savior.
    Now what is this picture above about with the two logs and it appears an open hole??
    You will miss the people, the members and the beautiful country you have been blessed to know during this vital time of your life. Grandma Gale
