Monday, August 28, 2017

MTC weeks 1 and 2

       The first two weeks here at the MTC have been a whirlwind of work, adjustment, stress, and accomplishment. I am sorry I wasn't able to post last week but the LDS missionary computers wouldn't allow it. I was nervous on the flight over, mainly about missing the shuttle, but I didn't miss it though it was an hour late. I still got the MTC early and I waited with some other missionaries and got to know all of them. Later that day I met my companion and district and teacher. They are all really great in their own way. Being the shy person I am I wasn't comfortable being around them until about the end of the first week. Elder Coleman, my companion, is a great missionary. He is always striving to be exactly obedient and a strong missionary. There is a companionship in our district, Elder Morrow and Elder Piscione, who are the funniest pair in the world. I have some pictures: The red head and the guy next to him. Our teacher will only speak Portuguese to us but we have learned to understand her pretty good. Actually, we now have two teachers. The second day we were already teaching an investigator in Portuguese which was scary. It was hard until we decided to stop using notes in the lesson. The spirit and the gift of tongues allowed us to help him to feel God's love. We committed him to be baptised, but he was actually our second teacher. We could kind of tell. I don't get to stay in the new buildings, but I do get to study in them. I have of picture of some of the beautiful pictures in the new buildings. The food here is okay, that's all I have say about that. Exercise time is my favorite, we play four square, basketball, and volleyball. The other day some guy slugged someone in my district in the face for no reason. I guess they worked it out with the branch president. Our zone includes all of the Portuguese speaking elders and is actually one of the best behaved in the MTC. I went to the temple last Monday and this morning. It was great, it was so calm and peaceful. About 15 elders in our zone are headed to Cabo Verde. Sundays are full of meetings, classes, no exercise, and a devotional at night. Before the devotional there is choir practice which I go to because the director tells great stories. After they show videos of talks or LDS movies throughout the MTC. I saw two great talks by Elder Bednar and Elder Holland. The hardest adjustment has been learning to work all day everyday. You don't really get free time or time alone, but I am pretty used to it by now. Some people here struggle with stress but I have not really felt any because I know that all I need to do is my best. Portuguese is coming along fine, though it isn't easy. Last Wednesday I had the opportunity to be a guide or testifier for the mtc tours. They are over now but it was great to talk to people from the outside world. I saw sister Stringham and the Burys. I can't wait to get to Cabo Verde however. The most important thing I've learned here at the mtc is that this mission isn't about me, it's about bringing other's to Christ.