Monday, June 24, 2019

Queimada Guincho week 1

Last transfer! I cannot believe it. I am liking the new area and the new comp. He is very excited to be a misionary. He speaks some english and I am helping him learn it even better. I have not yet told him that I am going home. I am here on the other side of Fogo closer to the volcano. We cannot see it from of our area but I passed right under it on the way over. This area is green and we live right next to the ocean. We are getting to know the members here and we have some investigators already. Tony is a kid who we contacted and taught the restoration to. He is way cool and wants to follow Jesus Christ. He said that he would be baptised if he got an answer. Then there is Djony and Tânia. We helped them move houses one day and then we taught them the next day. They are cool people and we hope to see them progress. On Sundays here we split up with the members and one stays in Queimada Guincho with a ward and the other takes a car to a group in Atalaia. This Sunday I went to Atalaia and it is higher up the mountains and way pretty. I am loving it here and will say more next week. I know that we can all repent and become better people, more like the Savior Jesus Christ. Tchau.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Patim week 12

This was my last week in Patim. I will be flying to Praia to pick up another kid, or new missionary, and we will be coming back to Fogo and white washing a new area. This means that we will be replacing two missionaries there. I do not actually know where in fogo the area is so I will update you all on that later. That is why this mission is the best. You never know what is going to happen. I am excited to end my mission with an awesome last transfer. This last week we saw some more success. Vandira has a lot of potencial to be baptised, but her mom will not let her. She turns 18 on the 11th of July so we marked a baptismal date with her for the 13th. She has a lot of support from Dila, a member. I will miss the people of this area. This area was not the easiest, but I am grateful for the things that I have learned here. I am going to make this last transfer the best yet. If you are still reading my blog thanks for staying strong.
1. Clouds up in Monte Grande
2. Our district
3. Goats eating corn. I should have taken a video they were going crazy over it

Monday, June 10, 2019

Patim week 11

As it heats up here in Patim, Fogo, the mangos continue to increase in number and quality. They are probably my favorite fruit here in Cabo Verde. Also this week we met some rabbits and ducks of a member. These are the first rabbits that I have seen here. I am excited for the future of this area. We have a lot of potencial baptisms, the members are getting more excited, and we had three investigators in church. Dila, a recent convert, brought her friend Vandira who is 17 or 18 and has been to church a ton in the past. She was not baptised only because her Dad did not let her. She migh be 18 now so she can make her own decision. I will you all on her situation and age next time. Augusto e Mimizinha, some strong members, have left with us a lot this week and this has helped. We are working with Geovani and his mom, Cristina, and his brother and sister, Taissa and Cris. They will hopefully be baptised in the month of June. Cris and Taissa went to church on Sunday. We will do all that we can do but in the end whether thy baptise or not we will have been successful. Have a great week.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Patim week 10

This week was just one more week of hard work, with not much to tell, but there are some things.
I was trying to do some push-ups and clap my hands behind the back and I ended up bashing my chin on the hard floor. It split the skin on my chin but it is all good now. I included a picture. The heat is picking up here but I will not have to deal with it for too long. We are continuing to have dificulty getting people to come to church. This week Edy did not go to church, but we will still work with him. I still have faith that he will make it. Our branch´s frequency is pretty small and we are doing a lot of activities to try and bring it up. One good thing that happened on Sunday was Geovani getting the Aaronic Priesthood. He is a good kid. We are still working with Liany and Kenira to help them come to church and progress. On Saturday we did some more service for Vadu who was building that stone wall. It was not for a temporary shelter but he lives somewhere else and is building a permanent house here. They will eventually cover the rocks with cement. This time I actually felt like we made a difference. We moved a lot of rocks. Last thing is that we had Zone Conference this week and we learned a lot as always. This time it was just our zone. Well that is all for now from Fogo. I know this Gospel is true and go find someone to serve. Tchau