Monday, February 25, 2019

Monte Sossego week 14

Today for P-day we played soccer at one f the capels here that has a cement outdoor court. It was fun but I fell down hard once and it hurt, but I am fine. We played with some members from the 4th ward that are leaving on missions soon. This week we had the baptism of Eder. Bill was not baptised because he worked a lot and did not show much desire. Eder was baptised by his friend Olaf which will help him stay strong in the church. This week we were given some great references from the Stake President and one of them went to church this Sunday. His name is Olávio and he used to drink a lot then he met us and decided to change his life. He has not drunken since, loves the Book of Mormon, and is very excited to be baptised on the 23rd of March. Another reference named Bernardo is also very cool. He makes art and is actually from the island of Maio. He is educated but believes in God and does not follow a religion. Our recent convert Suéli the other day showed her family tree that she had already filled out. Hopefully this week we can go with her to the church and send some names to the temple. Hamilton went to church and we are hoping that he can get baptized this week.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Monte Sossego week 13

This week was pretty normal except for Carnival and the anouncement that we can Skype now with our families. Me and Elder Floyd are working hard here in our area but it is starting to feel pretty small. We found a few new people who are Catholic but at the same time interested in our message. The challenge for them will simply be overcoming their religious tradition. We are preparing Eder to be baptised this week and maybe Bill but he needs to show some more desire. Suéli our recent convert brought her Sister to church all by herself which is awesome. It is just that she showed up over an hour late. She walks slow and talks to everybody on the street. On Sunday there was a giant Mendinga(parade) that passed by our house with noise and drums, and crazyness. I will include some photos. We had a family night with some members and played Bisca, a card game that gets intense here. we made pizza as well. I am grateful for the blessings of the Gospel in my life and the oportunity to proclaim this message to the world.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Monte Sossego week 12

This morning we got transfer information. I will be staying here with Elder Floyd for another one. Should be a good six weeks. This last week was a good one, though on Sunday the work was rough because of Carnival. We continued to work with Bill, Eder, and Hamilton. We are also teaching their younger brother Vagner and their cousin Vanilson. We hope that many of them will be baptised on the 23rd of this month. Hamilton is really good at soccer, almost good enough to play for Cabo Verde. Our area is really small but we have been blessed to find a lot of cool people to teach. We will see with this next transfer. This week we also went to Praia for Mission Leadership Conference. It was normal, but that night I was able to visit all of my recent converts in my old area of Várzea. It was awesome to see them all again. Most of them are still active which makes me very happy. I included a picture of our district and some more pictures of that beach from last Monday. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monte Sossego week 11

Right now I am sore all over because this mornig we biked for three hours there and back to a secret beach literally on the opposite side of São Vicente. It was beautiful and for most of the ride we saw nobody. This island is pretty barren apart from Mindelo. Haha we could have swum and no one would have known. We did not though. This last week we had zone conference which was awesome but stressful to organize. We had to organize the lunch, plan the interviews with President, give a training, and other stuff. This week we had the baptism of Ruth. She was very prepared and excited, but she showed up 30 minutes late which scared my socks off. This week we also found some cool rapazes named Eder, Bill, and Hamilton. They went to church and an EnglishConnect devotional on Sunday. I think that they will be baptised this month. Bill and Hamilton are from São Tiago. So right now I may be tired, but in general things are great here on the mission. These last six months I will really try and be the best missionary I can be. I will also eat healthier. Até mais. conference