Monday, January 28, 2019

Monte Sossego week 10

This week we had some successes and disapointments. Ruth came to church this last Sunday so she will be baptised this Saturday. When we passed by Cleidir and Maiara one night, we could tell that something was wrong. No one said anything except the Mom, Jaqueline. She told us nicely that nobody in the house wanted to listen to us anymore. I think that it was more her decision rather than the families. Her son Cleidir even complained that it was not his decision to stop talking to us. Well, that kind of stuff happens, but I believe that in the future they will be able to be baptised. Adilson is cool too but he will just have to wait. Fortunately for us however, there was someone baptised this Saturday. Her name is Suéli and we moved her date up because she was so prepared. We were not sure if she needed to be baptised but as we taught her she showed that she was responsible for herself. She is 23 years old and she loves talking to everybody on the street. This week we also did a service project at the hospital again, except this time we invited all of the missionaries in Mindelo. I have about six months left on the mission and I will make every one count. Bye.
1.our district. Which one is me?
2.Baptism, Suéli is second from the right
3.a good photo

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monte Sossego Week 9

This week was pretty normal but it passed by fast. Last time I said that we were getting a lot of rain but that is a lie. We are getting no rain. That is normal though. Sometimes I say random things like that and then I look back and wonder why I said it. This Sunday we had three new people in church which was great, but this week it looks like we will need to work extra hard to help Ruth, Maiara and Cleidir be baptised. They have a lot of desire but we need to work with their families to get permission. One day last week we were walking on our way home and the Spirit told me that I should talk to This man without a shirt on walking by. Thankfully I talked to him and we were able to teach him and mark a date with him for the 16th of February. His name is Denis. He has a lot of parokeets in his house. Also this week I did a division with Elder Flake. He was in the MTC with me and about a year ago I did a division with him in Ribeira Grande. It was fun to serve with him again. I included some pictures of Elder Floyd preaching the gospel to a cow.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Monte Sossego week 8

The is weather has been nice and cool this week, and we are getting a lot of rain. Elder Floyd and I are enjoying a lot of success here in our area and this week we have a lot on helping out zone. On Tuesday we went to Praia for Mission Leadership Council to plan and council and make goals for the coming month and year. It is pretty fun traveling around but I like spending time in my area as well. Maiara and Cleidir are doing great and will be baptised on the 26th of this month. Their parents are also came to church and they have potencial to be married and baptised. We are working with this young woman named Ruth who is a little strange but also very cool. She loves her dogs, and asked us is we could baptise them. She is preparing to be baptised on the 26th as well. She loves reading The Book of Mormon and feels The Spirit as she reads. We took her to a baptism and she liked that as well. There is also this girl Suéli who is actually 23 but who is a little slow. She came to church and loved it. This 2 hour church schedule is really helping the members out with ministering and paying attention. Things are going great and I love this opportunity to be a missionary.
1.Me and Elder Floyd climbed to a look out point.
2-3.Some family nights

Monday, January 7, 2019

Monte Sossego week 7

This week was a great week, and we were able to help out a lot of people. Elder Floyd and I are getting along great because we are both pretty calm people. He really knows how to do missionary work. We marked a lot of baptismal dates this week and I have a lot of hope for this family: Jacline, Adilson, and their kids: Maiara and Cleidir. Maiara and Cleidir have a date for the 26th of this month. Unfortunately, Delmira and Shirly will have to wait some more to be baptised because they are not yet prepared. Elder Floyd has this mini basketball hoop that is fun to shoot on. On Sunday we went to the hospital here and gave a blessing to a little girl who was very sick and weak. We will see if she gets better. The Lord has blessed us a lot this week and I am excited for the rest of this month. Tchau
1.This is us washing clothes