Monday, July 30, 2018

Week 8 Várzea

And another week goes by. Another week of hard work, but we had some good times as well. We have been working on helping Marísia and Niks live the word of wisdom. It is slow going. Their kids are always crazy so it is hard to teach them and have the spirit there. Mila may or may not be baptised this Saturday. Her Mom is being a little dificult. She told us earlier that she would not impede Mila from being baptised but she is doing it anyway. When we talk to her she does not want to respond to our questions because she knows that in the end she is not justified in her actions. We will see. We did find a great guy named Batinho. We invited him to be batized on the 25th of August but he asked us if he could be batized on the 11th instead. Pretty cool. God has blessed us this week to find a lot of great people. We had zone conference this week and President Amo gave a great training on working with members. We need to do better with that here in Cabo Verde. Well that is all so have a good week.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Várzea week 7

The first week of this new transfer was a good because we worked hard and got stuff done. We are hoping that Mila will be baptised on the 4th of August. She went to church and has a ton of friends there already. This Sunday we actually had a lot of people there, including President and Sister Amo. We actually got there a little late which was awkward but we were bringing Mila so it is okay. Niks and Marisia arrived as well so it was a good Sunday. We want to help Niks and Marisia be married here soon and then be baptised on the 18th. Niks is all in, and Marisia too but she is still a little Atheist. We talked to this Jehovah`s Witness who would not even let us give her a card. That was funny. Elder Angulo is a great guy and I think we will get along great. He will end his mission here in 11 weeks. He is from Mexico/America but he has almost forgot Spanish. I will try to learn a little. Things are going real well but it is really hot. I am used to it for the most part. I know that the commandments of God are there to make us happy and protect us. I am grateful for the security that living them gives me.
1. Members stuffing us with food.
2. Elder Angulo, me, and a giant cemetery in our area.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Week 6 Varzea

My last week with Elder Gricius was interesting. He was preparing to leave, saying goodbye to members and investigators. I will stay another transfer in this area with Elder Angulo. All I know is that he speaks Spanish and is pretty cool. The marriage of Cedrich and Lenira happened, which is a miracle. They were baptised this Saturday, which is another miracle. We are working with a few people this week. Indira who read The Book of Mórmon and wants to be baptised, Mila who has a lot of interest and was taught in the past, and JoJo. JoJo´s Dad died a few months ago and now we are teaching him. He comes from a very Catholic background, but once we teach The Plan of Salvation I am sure he will be converted. Right now I am chilling with my old companion Elder Brito, who is finishing his mission. I will be floating around until I receive my companion tomorrow. Tchão.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Week 5

Hello again and I hope that you all had a great week and a great 4th of July. I did not do much here to celebrate the 4th of July(except exercising my freedom of religion), but the 5th of July is Cabo Verde´s independence day. Not much happened on that day either though. The marriage that we have planned for this week is becoming very crazy. Cedric went to São Vicente(another island if you do not remember or do not care), and so he will return Tuesday and we need to buy a dress and rings before Thursday. I bet that things will work out but it will be interesting. After my mission I will be a professional wedding planner. We still need to find a lot of new investigators this week because the ones we have will not go to church. I have also gotten used to people lying to my face. This week I truly have learned the importance of obedience. It is the first law of heaven and it is what will qualify us for salvation. I am continually striving to be more obedient. Sorry no pictures they all just got deleted off my SD card. It is a little sad.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Várzea week 4

This week was more tranquille than the last one. We spent a lot of time contacting to find new investigators. Through references and our own work we found two new couples that could be baptised in August, but like everyone else here they have to be married. We see what happens with them. We are working with members to prepare for the marriage of Lenira and Cedric. It is a little complicated because they have no money and need to buy rings and a dress. I really hope that we can get things worked out. Elder Gricius only has two weeks left so I am trying hard not to think of how long I have left. Things are good though. The world cup here is very distracting and I am always wanting to catch a bit of a game. Everyone here just goes for Portugal, Brazil, or Argentina. This week I studied intelligence and knowledge and it was great. I learned a lot about how we progress and the importance of a savior.