Monday, February 26, 2018

Fernando Pó week 4

This last saturday we had the Baptism of Sandro. He was baptised with two other people from the sisters in our ward. He was completely prepared and now he seems even happier in his life. We had zone conference this week, and some things felt a little different. I think Presidente Amo is starting to crack down on the rules more. I have heard that a lot of mission presidentes start to become more strict as they go along, but Presidente Amo is still a great guy. This week I was able to assist with one preisthood blessing and give another blessing. One was for a kid that the sisters had baptised this saturday. He was sick with some sort of Bronchitis and so long story short through the preisthood blessing he was able to be baptised. The blessing that I gave this week was for Zuleika, an investigator of ours. She was also sick with a lung infection, which was probably because of her working in a fish processing factory where it has to be super cold. She told us how the factory jobs here are terrible and do a lot of illegal things. No one here really does anything about it. Then she explained her experience with the missionaries. During a time when her family had practically nothing the missionaries and members came and helped them out. She started to cry and then Elder Sailors started to cry, which was suprising. It was a great lesson with her. Anyway things are still going here. I love it.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 3 Fernando Pó

I am now over 1/4 of the way through my mission. I can´t believe that it has gone by so fast. The day of carnival here was not really how I expected it to be. All of the parades and comotion was in the city. We do our work a little bit away from the main city so it was not bad at all. In fact. All of the people went to the city and so the streets were empty where we were. We stayed at a ward activity mostly. One of the memebers cut my hair for free but he cut it a little weird. At the activity I got to play some ping pong. We brought some investigators and less actives, and I did my best to involve them with the members. This week we will have the baptism of Sandro, a boy of about 15 years in age. He is very intelligent and a great kid. We were worried about his mother not approving because she is Catholic, but when we talked to her she was very cool about it. Little does she know that we will start teaching her the lessons and give her the baptismal invite. Some people are just ready, prepared by the Lord to be baptised. It humbles me to see the faith of these investigators and new converts. The mission is continuing to help me do things that are not comfortable but are necessary. Like serving other at all times. I know this church is The True Church of Jesus Christ. I don´t know why but in one of these pictures I look like I am half asleep.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Fernando Pó week 2

This week in Fernando Pó, which is in the city of Mindelo on the island of São Vicente, we worked harder still, and I have learned a lot from my new companion. Carnival is tomorrow and we had a conference in our zone just to come up with ways to protect our investigators from the temptations and evil. Actually Carnival has already been going on for a while but the main day is tomorrow. Luckily our ward is having an activity that day so we can go to that for most of the day. Today I was able to play soccer with all the other Elders in Mindelo. There is about fourteen of us and it was fun. I did not have an opportunity to do this on Santo Antão. Here in Mindelo there are also a lot more things available such as food, cloths, etc. As far as the work goes I would say that people are a little more accepting here. We are teaching this old guy who is progressing at the rate of a turtle. He reminds me of Yoda with all the wise sayings he has. I suppose his height has something to do with it too. We are helping him drop coffee and he has stopped but he has bad headaches now. We normally offer a substitute coffee called Brasa or Boleiro to help people stop drinking. We have a few baptismal dates marked with some rapazes or young men. They are pretty cool. Anyway things are going here in Cabo Verde. Here is a picture from out my apartment window.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Fernando Pó week 1

Hello from a different island this week. I was transfered this past monday and now I have been in Mindelo, São Vicente for a week. It has been great here it is only on the island across from Santo Antão. Carnival is coming up and in our apartment there are always parades going past with idols and the like. The noise is super annoying at night, but I have hot water and in general this apartment is an upgrade. I included a picture from Santo Antão as I was leaving and then one in Mindelo where I am now and some goodbye picks. My companion now is Elder Sailors. He is a convert from Texas and is a super hard working missionary. I don´t think I have worked harder in my entire life. But it is great. He also has a rediculously deep voice. I will say more next week bye.