Monday, March 25, 2019

Monte Sossego Week 18

This my last week in th area was good but Hamilton, Vagner, and Vanelson were not baptised. It was sad because they partly lost the desire and partly were stopped by their Mom. I am not going to worry about it though because today I am going to Fogo, a diferent island in the southwest part of this archipelago. It is the island with the volcano on it. I will be serving in an area called Patim and I will finish the training of a new missionary. I am pretty excited and next week you guys will hear all about that area. This morning we played soccer again with teenagers amd members. It was pretty fun. I will be district leader now. I said good bye to everyone and It is kind of sad leaving this island. i have been on it for so long. Have a great week yall.

Our last district meeting and António, a great member who always left with us to teach.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Monte Sossego week 17

This morning we played soccer with some kids in our area. Hamilton who we are teaching was there and he went to church by himself yesterday. After church he said that he wanted to be baptised. We are hoping that he, Vagner, and Vanelson will be baptised this Saturday. They were not baptised this last Saturday because Their Moms were against it but the Moms do not have much of a role in their lives and now Hamilton the oldest wants to be baptised so we think that they will allow it. It is a blessing from God that Hamilton wants to be baptised now. We have been working with some less actives these days and some came to church on Sunday which was also good. This will probably be my last week in the area and on the island. I think that next week I will be transfered out. I heard that there were/are some strong winds in Colorado. I hope you all are ok. Things are good here in Cabo Verde. I would suggest reading an article in the february 2019 Liahona or Ensign by Elder Uceda of the Seventy on prayer. It is awesome. Have a good week. Here are some pictures from zone conference, teaching Hamilton, Vagner, and visiting some cool members who have a disabled son. He is the cutest.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Monte Sossego week 16

Today we have not done anything cool yet for P-day but it is like that sometimes because we run out of things to do here. Carnival is past which is a blessing. We had a good mission council in Praia and saw some old mission friends.  This week we have had a lot of tasks to do to prepare for zone conference and renewal of our visas. The older couple that is serving here will go home for a bit because of health issues. That will make renewing our visas harder because they normally help out a lot. Vagner and Vanelson showed up to church and passed their interviews, but we need to talk with Vagner´s Mom because she is not about him being baptised. Vanelson will turn 18 on the day he is baptised and he has already mentioned that he wants to serve a mission. Bernardo is going to church every week but he has school and work and so he tells us that he has no time to talk to us. So it is possible that he wants to go to church but just doesn´t want to be baptised. hopefully we can help him to gain the understanding and desire that he needs. Something that I know is that we as missonaries help out a lot of people to plant those seeds of faith and enter into the straight and narrow path, but like The Savior Jesus Christ taught, there are many who give in to the cares of the world, or do not have the right motives, or give in to the temptations of the devil. It is principles such as scripture study and prayer that we apply in our lives daily that help us out. Sorry no pictures from this week, Just some more from last week.


Monday, March 4, 2019

Monte Sossego week 15

This morning we went hiking over to the other side of São Vicente and got some great views. We walked through a secluded town called Salamansa and hitched a ride back to Mindelo. With Carnival being tomorrow this week was slow. Nobody was home, but on Saturday we fasted and 6 people showed up to church. A couple named Sidnei and Jennifer showed up and we were about to give up on them. Bernardo went and he is definitely getting baptised this month. He has been great but not getting a lot of sleep because he has been making costumes for Canival. Vagner and Vanelson showed up to church and they are excited for baptism which I think for them will be the 16th of this month. THis week we were able to bring Suéli and Ruth to the Family History Center in the city and we sent four names to the temple. It really was not that hard. Our President now wants us to send a name to the temple for every baptism we get this year. I did another great division with Elder Edu this week and we had a blast. He is a crazy guy but I love him. He is from Nigeria. Thankfully tomorrow we are going to be in Praia for Mission Council so we will miss Carnival. We had some nice family nights and a lunch with some members which helped us get through this week because when I say there was nobody in our area that is just about true. Everyone left to see the parades of Carnival. I hope you all have a great week.